Saturday, 30 June 2012

Choice Is Not A Matter Of Chance

Perhaps, one of the most significant factors that spice up the flavor of life is PROBLEM.

The seven letter word giant seems to make its way to every individual that ever walked in this imperfect world. In fact, from the time human beings have made their first step on this unfamiliar world until now, problems never cease to exist.

Although it is so, we humans have never immune from its wrath. We even try to escape bearing in our minds that it would be another heavy load that we need to carry or a monster that devours every strength of ideas, or emotions we avert.

But has it ever gone into your mind that the problems we face have something to do with the choices we made sometimes in our lives. In times of failure what are the usual words that dominate our minds? If's and But's of course! These words symbolize our own regretion that if we had made the right decision, we might succeeded in doing something. In other words, the choices we make today may affect our lives tomorrow.

One example of this is when we wake up in the morning. In this situation alone we are given the chance to get up and start the day right or go back to sleep. The former may result into being early for an appointment or other businesses of the day, while the later may result of being late for any activity of the day.

Another is when someone back-bites your friend, you are given the choice to join them, to ad more information about your friend and suffer the worst of it once he/she will be given the chance to know about it. Or you can refrain from joining, and yourself from any bad situation.

But when we are already in the worst scenario whom do we blame?
-We blame no one else but GOD.

"God what mistake have I done? What sin have I committed against you? I don't understand, why you are doing this to me. Please help me out."

God has given us the freewill, He is hands-off to what e are going to do although. He already know what will happen. He just leave the decision to us. He didn't make us to be like robots but to be humans with intellect, will and conscience.

Remember this is not a mere opinion, nor a hypothesis formulated by some intellectuals. This is a FACT.

We live in a world filled with choices. Have a critical mind and choose wisely among your options. Never blame God for it is you who takes the road to your destiny.

I might not be perfect but Jesus thinks I'm to die for!


Sheena <3


Anonymous said...

choice is not really a matter of chance..


Unknown said...

Truelala! :)

Thank you..

Don't be an anonynous next time! ;)